while one contracts, the other returns to original length
both muscles contract at the same time
both muscles relax at the same time
1 muscle pulls on the bone and the other pulls on the first muscle
Detailed explanation-1: -When one of them contracts, the bone is pulled in that direction and the other muscle of the pair relaxes. To move the bone in the opposite direction, the relaxed muscle contracts and the first one relaxes. Thus two muscles have to work together to move a bone.
Detailed explanation-2: -Muscles can pull bones, but they can’t push them back to the original position. So they work in pairs of flexors and extensors. The flexor contracts to bend a limb at a joint. Then, when the movement is completed, the flexor relaxes and the extensor contracts to extend or straighten the limb at the same joint.
Detailed explanation-3: -Skeletal muscles only pull in one direction. For this reason they always come in pairs. When one muscle in a pair contracts, to bend a joint for example, its counterpart then contracts and pulls in the opposite direction to straighten the joint out again.
Detailed explanation-4: -Muscles work in pairs: as one muscle contracts, the other relaxes. Muscles that work together like this are called antagonistic pairs. This type of action enables the body to move with stability and control. Examples of antagonistic pairs are: ⚫ Biceps and triceps-at the elbow joint.
Detailed explanation-5: -When a muscle contracts, the actin is pulled along myosin toward the center of the sarcomere until the actin and myosin filaments are completely overlapped. In other words, for a muscle cell to contract, the sarcomere must shorten. However, thick and thin filaments-the components of sarcomeres-do not shorten.