oxygen levels have decreased and carbon dioxide levels have increased.
oxygen levels have increased and carbon dioxide levels have increased.
oxygen levels have decreased and carbon dioxide levels have decreased.
oxygen levels have increased and carbon dioxide levels have decreased.
Detailed explanation-1: -Exhaled air will contain more CO2. This is because the CO2 formed in our body as a result of oxidation of food during respiration, is removed out of the body during expiration or exhaling. So the exhaled air will contain more CO2 than inhaled air.
Detailed explanation-2: -Thus, inhalation is when we take in air containing oxygen. Further, exhalation is when we give out air rich in carbon dioxide.
Detailed explanation-3: -When we exhale, the composition of the air remains almost the same as the air we inhale, only the percentage of carbon dioxide and oxygen changes. The amount of inhaled air contains 21% of oxygen and 0.04% of carbon dioxide, while the air we breathe out contains 16.4% of oxygen and 4.4% of carbon dioxide.
Detailed explanation-4: -In exhaled air, carbon dioxide percentage is ten times higher than atmospheric CO2 and oxygen is 16% instead of 21% which we find in the atmosphere. Plus there is some moisture in the exhaled air. Q. Inhaled air contains more water vapour than exhaled air.
Detailed explanation-5: -Inhaled air has about 0.04% of carbon dioxide. This is also the amount of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. The exhaled air contains all the carbon dioxide that is a by-product of the cellular metabolic processes. Hence, the percentage of carbon dioxide in the exhaled air is 4.4%.