Reserve Bank of India
a Board of Directors
the sponsor bank
the State Government
Detailed explanation-1: -Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) are government owned scheduled commercial banks of India that operate at regional level in different states of India. These banks are under the ownership of Ministry of Finance, Government of India. They were created to serve rural areas with basic banking and financial services.
Detailed explanation-2: -Like other public sector Banks RRBs are established by Govt. of. India and are scheduled & notified by Reserve Bank of India. RRBs are jointly owned by Government of India(GOI), Sponsor Bank and the concerned State Government and with share proportion 50%, 35% & 15% respectively.
Detailed explanation-3: -(2) The Central Government may increase the number of members of the Board; so, however, that the number of directors does not exceed fifteen in the aggregate and also prescribe the manner in which the additional number may be filled in. 10.
Detailed explanation-4: -Board of directors: The Act specifies the composition of the Board of Directors of the RRB to include a Chairman and directors to be appointed through the central government, NABARD, sponsor bank, Reserve Bank of India, etc.
Detailed explanation-5: -The working and affairs of the RRB are directed and managed by a Board of Directors consists of a Chairman, three directors to be nominated by the Central Government, and not more than two directors to be nominated by the State Government concerned, and not more than 3 directors to be nominated by the sponsoring bank.