when you receive cash back
when you deposit any amount of cash
when you deposit more than $100
when you deposit more than $10, 000
Detailed explanation-1: -The deposit slip provides proof and acknowledgment that the bank has received the funds. Once the teller has accepted the deposit for processing, they normally sign the deposit slip and place the bank’s official stamp on both the original and duplicate deposit slips.
Detailed explanation-2: -You typically only need to sign a deposit slip when you want cash back from your deposit. If you’re only depositing funds, you don’t need to sign the deposit slip. If you’re making a deposit through an ATM, you may not need a deposit slip at all, so you won’t need to sign anything.
Detailed explanation-3: -You will need to write your signature on the back of a check that is written to you. Only then will you be able to cash it. Additionally, if you are depositing the money into that account, you must include particular information, such as the account number.
Detailed explanation-4: -Signing the back of it is called “endorsing the check.” We have tips on how you can safely endorse a check. Ready to cash a check? First, you have to endorse it. Depending on what you want to do with the check and how the check is written, this will determine what you write on it and when you sign it.