Debtor and Creditor
Bailee and Bailor
Agency and Principa
Trustee and Beneficiary
Detailed explanation-1: -The opening of a bank account in the bank of a banker by the person who has the capacity to contract is the basis of the debtor and creditor relationship between banker and customer.
Detailed explanation-2: -The legal relationship between a customer and the bank is based on contract and is generally classified as a debtor-creditor relationship. This means that when a bank or other type of ADI accepts money from a customer it does so as a borrower on terms that may be implied.
Detailed explanation-3: -The primary general relationship arises from a contract between the two i.e. banker and a customer. So it is a contractual relationship. It is governed by the various terms of agreement between the two parties.
Detailed explanation-4: -Debtor and Creditor Relationship-The relation of banker and customer is primarily that of debtor and creditor. But who is what at a particular moment depends on the balance of the account of the customer. If the account shows a credit balance, the banker will be a debtor and the customer a creditor.
Detailed explanation-5: -Your Relationship with The Self This, really, is the most important relationship in your life. You are the person that you spend most time with, and you will like some parts of yourself and not others. You need to come to terms with who you are, be comfortable with that, and have confidence in who that person is.