Stacking the thylakoids allows the chloroplast to focus the sunlight they use to make sugar, like a magnifying glass
They can fit more thylakoids in a small area, allowing for more chloroplasts to be contained within a plant cell
The thylakoids must be stacked on top of each other to work
The stacking arrangement of the thylakoid is critical because it allows the chlorophyll to become green
Detailed explanation-1: -Thylakoids – flattened discs have a small internal volume to maximise hydrogen gradient upon proton accumulation. Grana – thylakoids are arranged into stacks to increase SA:Vol ratio of the thylakoid membrane. Photosystems – pigments organised into photosystems in thylakoid membrane to maximise light absorption.
Detailed explanation-2: -So, the correct answer is ‘When stacked, each thylakoid is able to increase their total surface area which allows more electron transport chains to be embedded into each thylakoid membrane’
Detailed explanation-3: -Thylakoids are tiny compartments found inside of chloroplasts. Their role is to help absorb sunlight in order for photosynthesis to occur. They contain all of the chlorophyll that the plant has which, in turn, allows for the absorption of sunlight.
Detailed explanation-4: -The thylakoid membranes of a chloroplast is an internal system of interconnected membranes, that carry out the light reactions of photosynthesis. They are arranged into stacked and unstacked regions called grana and stroma thylakoids, respectively, that are differentially enriched in photosystem I and II complexes.
Detailed explanation-5: -A chloroplast consists of thylakoid membranes surrounded by stroma. The thylakoids stack on top of each other, like a stack of pancakes. The thylakoid stacks arrange chlorophyll, accessory pigment molecules, and photosynthetic proteins to capture sunlight and allow a concentration of ions within the sacs.