The data from the memory is saved onto flash memory
The date from the memory onto the hard disk
The data from the memory is not saved
The data from the memory is saved onto ROM
Detailed explanation-1: -Random Access Memory is volatile. That means data is retained in RAM as long as the computer is on, but it is lost when the computer is turned off. When the computer is rebooted, the OS and other files are reloaded into RAM, usually from an HDD or SSD.
Detailed explanation-2: -RAM is volatile memory, which stores data in a single transistor and capacitor. This means it needs a constantly recycled charge to hold its data. If the power is turned off, it cannot refresh the data and it is lost. This is known as DYNAMIC memory.
Detailed explanation-3: -First, as Gabriel said, in sleep mode that RAM is getting refreshed, so as long as there is a power source (i.e. the battery still has a charge or the device is sleeping but plugged in keeping the battery recharged as needed), the RAM should hold its contents, potentially indefinitely.
Detailed explanation-4: -RAM is often referred to as volatile memory, because anything contained in RAM is considered lost when a computer is switched off. Indeed, all data is lost from RAM when the power supply is disconnected; so it is volatile in this context.
Detailed explanation-5: -Note that RAM is different from storage: If you turn off your PC, the information in your RAM is gone, but the data saved in your long-term storage (SSD or HDD) is saved.