a )adds the rule in the input chain; b) deletes the rule from the chain
a ) adds the rule in the input chain; b) added the rule in the destination chain
a ) adds the rule in the input chain; b) added the rule in the destination chain
None of the above
Detailed explanation-1: -iptables is a user-space utility program that allows a system administrator to configure the IP packet filter rules of the Linux kernel firewall, implemented as different Netfilter modules. The filters are organized in different tables, which contain chains of rules for how to treat network traffic packets.
Detailed explanation-2: -Answer : Hoping ssh is running on port 22, which is also the default port for ssh, we can add rule to iptables as: To ACCEPT tcp packets for ssh service (port 22). To REJECT tcp packets for ssh service (port 22).
Detailed explanation-3: -Open the terminal app or login using ssh command: $ ssh userserver-name. To list all IPv4 rules: $ sudo iptables-S. Get list of all IPv6 rules: $ sudo ip6tables-S. To list all tables rules: $ sudo iptables-L-v-n | more. Just list all rules for INPUT tables: 21-Dec-2022
Detailed explanation-4: -Step 1: Update your system. Step 2: Install the iptables firewall in Ubuntu. Step 3: Check the current status of iptables. Step 4: Allow traffic on localhost. Step 5: Allow traffic on specific ports. Step 6: Control traffic by IP address. Step 7: Delete unwanted traffic. Step 8: Delete a rule. More items •18-Oct-2022