Difference between Left sub tree and Right sub tree
Difference between the height of Left sub tree and the height of Right sub tree
Difference between Right sub tree and Left sub tree
Difference between the height of Right sub tree and the height of Left sub tree
Detailed explanation-1: -More formally, we define the balance factor for a node as the difference between the height of the left subtree and the height of the right subtree. Using the definition for balance factor given above we say that a subtree is left-heavy if the balance factor is greater than zero.
Detailed explanation-2: -DEFINITION: The balance factor of a binary tree is the difference in heights of its two subtrees (hR-hL). The balance factor (bf) of a height balanced binary tree may take on one of the values-1, 0, +1.
Detailed explanation-3: -If the balance factor of a node is 0, then it means that the height of the left sub-tree is equal to the height of its right sub-tree. If the balance factor of a node is-1, then it means that the left sub-tree of the tree is one level lower than that of the right sub-tree. Such a tree is called Right-heavy tree.
Detailed explanation-4: -That property states that the difference between the height of the left sub-tree and the right sub-tree of any node can’t be more than 1. This property gives a Balance Factor which whose value should be from -1, 0, 1 in the case of AVL tree.
Detailed explanation-5: -Height balanced binary trees can be denoted by HB(k), where k is the difference between heights of left and right subtrees. ‘k’ is known as the balance factor. If for a tree, the balance factor (k) is equal to zero, then that tree is known as a fully balanced binary tree. It can be denoted as HB(0).