Building a family of support
Treatment for all is the vision of all
Close the gap
Together, We Care
Detailed explanation-1: -This year, the event focused to encourage and motivate the bleeding disorder community on the theme of: “Get active for haemophilia: Picture the future” Pakistan Hemophilia Patients Welfare Society® [PHPWS] organized a national level celebration of World Hemophilia Day-2015 at Islamabad.
Detailed explanation-2: -World Hemophilia Day – WFH-World Federation of Hemophilia. April 17, 2023 is World Hemophilia Day. The theme of the event this year is “Access for All: Prevention of bleeds as the global standard of care”.
Detailed explanation-3: -Today is April 17, 2022-World Hemophilia Day! The theme of the event this year is “Access for All: Partnership.
Detailed explanation-4: -Then in 1828, Friedrich Hopff, a student at the University of Zurich, and his professor Dr. Schonlein, are credited with coining the term “haemorrhaphilia” for the condition, later shorted to “haemophilia.”
Detailed explanation-5: -Hemophilia A is caused by low levels of factor VIII and hemophilia B is caused by low levels of factor IX. Hemophilia can lead to excessive bleeding after an injury or trauma, as well as bleeding that can occur for no apparent reason. Hemophilia primarily affects men, but women can have hemophilia, too.