William Shakespeare
Leo Tolstoy
Charles Dickens
K. Rowling
Detailed explanation-1: -The First Folio was created in the years after Shakespeare’s death in 1616. His friends and former colleagues John Heminge and Henry Condell, who were also partners in the King’s Men acting company, brought together his plays. The book was published by a London syndicate headed by Edward Blount and Isaac Jaggard.
Detailed explanation-2: -The First Folio was created in the years after Shakespeare’s death in 1616. His friends and former colleagues John Heminge and Henry Condell, who were also partners in the King’s Men acting company, brought together his plays. The book was published by a London syndicate headed by Edward Blount and Isaac Jaggard.
Detailed explanation-3: -The First Folio is the first collected edition of William Shakespeare’s plays, collated and published in 1623, seven years after his death. Folio editions were large and expensive books that were seen as prestige items.
Detailed explanation-4: -You would have been one of the first people in the world to read some of Shakespeare’s plays. Just like an early reader, explore some of the First Folio’s pages, including a playful introduction by Heminge and Condell, famous lines from a few of Shakespeare’s plays, and common phrases that we use today.
Detailed explanation-5: -It was Ben Jonson who first published his dramatic works together with his poetry in a folio volume. Furthermore, he did so within his own lifetime, conscienciously overseeing its production at the Stansby press with an astonishing meticulousness.