NASA’s Kepler Space telescope
NASA’s Gamma-Ray telescope
NASA’s Hubble Space telescope
NASA’s James Webb Space telescope
Detailed explanation-1: -An international team of scientists discovered more than 100 planets based on images from Kepler operating in the ‘K2 Mission’.
Detailed explanation-2: -The Coronagraph Instrument on NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will study planets around other stars. Putting it together will require a highly choreographed dance. Scientists have discovered more than 5, 000 exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system.
Detailed explanation-3: -Space telescopes like Spitzer and Hubble have been used to discover exoplanets and reveal more information about what they’re like. From mass characterizations to elements in atmospheres to planetary weather maps.
Detailed explanation-4: -Most known exoplanets have been discovered using the transit method. A transit occurs when a planet passes between a star and its observer. Transits within our solar system can be observed from Earth when Venus or Mercury travel between us and the Sun.
Detailed explanation-5: -In 2020, Gilbert and others announced the discovery of the Earth-size, habitable-zone planet d, which is on a 37-day orbit, along with two other worlds. The innermost planet, TOI 700 b, is about 90% Earth’s size and orbits the star every 10 days.