9th February
10th February
11th February
2nd February
Detailed explanation-1: -Beans (Phaseolus and Vigna), chickpeas and peas are the most well-known and commonly consumed types of pulses, but there are several varieties more from around the world, all with great benefits on food security, nutrition, health, climate change, and biodiversity.
Detailed explanation-2: -History of the day: In 2018, the UN General Assembly decided to mark 10 February as World Pulses Day. The first WPD was held on February 10, 2019. On 20 December 2013, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution (A/RES/68/231) proclaiming 2016 as the International Year of Pulses (IYP).
Detailed explanation-3: -World Pulses Day is a great opportunity to heighten public awareness of the nutritional benefits of eating pulses. They contribute to sustainable food systems and a #ZeroHunger world. In the FAO site you will find more information, reports, comics or recipes from around the world.
Detailed explanation-4: -EVENTS: Based on the benefits that pulses provide to agrifood systems and the environment, the FAO Steering Committee selected “Pulses for a Sustainable Future” as the theme for the 2023 World Pulses Day celebration. Join us online on 10 February 2023 from 14:00–15:30 CET.
Detailed explanation-5: -World Pulses Day 2022 is under the theme “Pulses to empower youth in achieving sustainable agrifood systems”. Pulses are important for a healthy diet. Take this day as an opportunity to raise awareness and recognize the contribution of pulses to sustainable food systems and the healthy food cycles.