Eudiscopus denticulus
Indian flying fox
Andaman horseshoe bat
Cave nectar bat
Detailed explanation-1: -The bat species Eudiscopus denticulus, aptly called disk-footed bat, is very distinctive in appearance with prominent disk-like pads in the thumb and bright orange colouration.
Detailed explanation-2: -The team led by Tharaka Kusuminda of University of Rohana in the island country named the new species of long-fingered bats as Miniopterus phillipsi, Uttam Saikia of the Zoological Survey of India and one of the leading scientists in the research, told PTI.
Detailed explanation-3: -Tharaka Kusuminda of University of Rohana, Sri Lanka led the team and named the new species of long-fingered bats as Miniopterus phillipsi. The name of the species was attributed to W W A Philips (1892-1981), a noted zoologist, in recognition of his contributions to studies on the mammals of Sri Lanka and South Asia.
Detailed explanation-4: -The disk-footed bat (Eudiscopus denticulus) is a species of vesper bat in the Vespertilionidae family found in Laos and Myanmar. The disc-footed bat was recorded in the northeastern Indian state’s (Meghalaya), Lailad area near the Nongkhyllem Wildlife Sanctuary.
Detailed explanation-5: -The disk-footed bat was also found to be genetically very different from all other known bats bearing disk-like pads. Scientists analysed the very high frequency echolocation calls of the disk-footed bat, which was suitable for orientation in a cluttered environment such as inside bamboo groves.