World Build Planning Day
World Town Planning Day
World City Planning Day
World Tower Planning Day
Detailed explanation-1: -Detailed Solution. The correct answer is 8 November. World Urbanism Day, also known as World Town Planning Day, is celebrated every year on November 8. The main goal of the observance is to recognize and promote the role of thorough planning in creating livable communities.
Detailed explanation-2: -City building | November 3, 2022. Each year on November 8, World Urbanism Day recognizes and promotes the role of planning in creating livable communities. It’s also known as World Town Planning Day and is celebrated in over 30 countries!
Detailed explanation-3: -November 8, 2022 This year’s theme is: Think Global, Plan Local, and will take a look at the role of the Planning Profession as central to the implementation at the local level of the New Urban Agenda and UN-Habitat Sustainable Development Goal 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities.
Detailed explanation-4: -Urbanism is the study of how inhabitants of urban areas, such as towns and cities, interact with the built environment.
Detailed explanation-5: -“While many people contributed to the evolution of Urban Planning at UCLA John Friedmann is universally recognized as THE father of the department.