Subscribers will be able to change their network without changing their mobile numbers
Subscribers can use the same mobile number with different network
Subscribers can change their mobile numbers in different networks
None of the above
Detailed explanation-1: -What is Mobile Number Portability? MNP is a service that allows you to keep your mobile number when you switch to a different network provider. The process of porting or moving your phone number is also easy since you just need to submit a porting application.
Detailed explanation-2: -Local Number Portability (LNP), also known as number portability and number porting, enables end users to keep their telephone number when switching from one telecommunications service provider to another. Prior to the introduction of LNP, changing service providers meant having to get a new telephone number.
Detailed explanation-3: -You are allowed to move to another mobile service provider only after 90 days of the date of activation of your mobile connection or from the date of last porting of your mobile number, which ever is applicable. You are allowed to change mobile service provider within the same service area only.
Detailed explanation-4: -The customer simply has to send a text message (SMS) that says PORT from their phone to 1900. The existing provider will send the customer a unique porting code, which the customer will share with their new carrier. The new carrier uses the porting code to check and make sure the customer’s old account is paid in full.