Mauna Loa means “lively mountain” in Hawaiian
Mauna Loa means “long mountain” in Hawaiian
Mauna Loa means “high mountain” in Hawaiian
Mauna Loa means “long fountain” in Hawaiian
Mauna Loa means “tall mountain” in Hawaiian
Detailed explanation-1: -The Hawaiian name “Mauna Loa” means “Long Mountain.” This name is fitting, because the subaerial (above sea level) part of the volcano extends about 120 km (75 mi) from the southern tip of the Island of Hawai’i across the volcano’s summit to the eastern coastline near Hilo.
Detailed explanation-2: -The Hawaiian name “Mauna Loa” means “Long Mountain.” This name is apt, for the subaerial part of Mauna Loa extends for about 120 km (74 mi) from the southern tip of the island to the summit caldera and then east-northeast to the coastline near Hilo.
Detailed explanation-3: -Tweets about Mauna Loa kenhrubin. Mauna Loa, or “Long Mountain” in Hawaiian, is located on the island of Hawaii. It is pictured above rising 13, 680 ft.
Detailed explanation-4: -Mauna (mă’u-na), n. A mountain; the inland regions of an island. (On all the islands with which Hawaiians were acquainted, the land rises on all sides from the sea to the central parts of the island; this is called the mauna.) 2.
Detailed explanation-5: -At over 33, 000 feet, Mauna Kea in Hawaii reigns supreme as the biggest mountain on Earth as measured from base to top. Let’s explore the ways in which these mountains are different, both in how they are made and their geologic setting.