What you will do to proof that Carbon dioxide is released during respiration?
Take conical flask with boiled seeds inside and a lime water filled brake and put the rubber cork on flask and a glass tube and wait until it turns gelatinous white.
Take a conical flask with germinating seeds inside and a limewater filled beaker and put the rubber cork on flask and put a glass tube and wait until it turns milky white.
Take a conical flask with dry leaf inside and a water filled beaker and put a rubber cork on flask and put a glass tube and wait until it smells like rotten eggs.
None of the above

Detailed explanation-1: -The germinating seeds in the conical flask release CO2 during respiration, which is absorbed by the KOH solution kept in the small test tube. This creates a partial vacuum in the flask that forces the water up the delivery tube. Thus, it proves that germinating seeds produce carbon dioxide during respiration.

Detailed explanation-2: -The rise in level water indicates that carbon dioxide is released as a result of germinating gram seeds during the process of respiration in the conical flask.

Detailed explanation-3: -Carbon dioxide gas turns lime-water milky. The fact that carbon dioxide is produced during respiration can be shown by demonstrating the effect of inhaled air and exhaled air on lime-water. From the experiment we come to know that the tube containing inhaled air is less milky while the tube with exhaled air is milkier.

Detailed explanation-4: -Outside air is only passed inside though air pump via soda lime in flask A (absorbs CO2 in air). As the air leaves the jar, it passes through lime water in flask B. CO2 being heavier than air would flow down into the test tube turning limewater milky. Thus, carbon dioxide is produced by green plants during respiration.

Detailed explanation-5: -Procedure-Lime water is added to test tube with two outlets attached to it. Air is sucked slowly from one outlet. Conclusion-Air which is sucked contains carbon dioxide which turns lime water milky.

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