The ability to earn a profit
The ability to earn a degree
The ability to earn materials
The ability to express creativity
Detailed explanation-1: -Business leaders accept risk as a cost of opportunity and innovation. They know it cannot happen if you will not accept the risk that your undertaking might fail.
Detailed explanation-2: -Generally speaking, entrepreneurs take risks as it allows them to distinguish themselves from their competitors. In the competitive business environment that exists today, those who are willing to position themselves as risk-takers position themselves as leaders as well, while others get left behind.
Detailed explanation-3: -Entrepreneurs are often motivated by a desire to be recognized as a world-leader in a specific field. Their desire to share their knowledge and engage with their subject matter is often a source of frustration to privacy-obsessed VCs, but is a key internal motivation for the inventor.
Detailed explanation-4: -In analyzing what ends up driving these entrepreneurs, researchers and observers find 4 particularly strong motives: control, freedom, impact and wealth (in alphabetical order.) Some or all of these motivations may be important to you as an entrepreneur.
Detailed explanation-5: -Lack of Right Idea. Unorganized Manpower Resources. Cash Crunch. The Vision of the Founder. Lack of Study of Data. Late Realization. Not Targeting the Right Market. Delegation Issues. More items •12-Apr-2022