Inflation Policy
Interest Rate Policy
Expansionary Policy
Contractionary Monetary Policy
Detailed explanation-1: -In order to reduce the money supply, the central bank can opt to increase the cost of short-term debt by increasing the short-term interest rate. The increase in interest rates will also affect consumers and businesses in the economy as commercial banks will raise the interest rates they charge their clients.
Detailed explanation-2: -Note that the goal of contractionary monetary policy is to decrease the rate of demand for goods and services, not to stop it. So, higher interest rates through contractionary policy can be used to dampen inflation and move the economy back to the price stability component of the dual mandate.
Detailed explanation-3: -Contractionary monetary policy is a macroeconomic tool that a central bank-in the US, that’s the Federal Reserve-uses to reduce inflation. The goal is to slow the pace of the economy by reducing the money supply, or the amount of cash and readily cashable funds circulating throughout the nation.
Detailed explanation-4: -Contractionary monetary policy is now a more popular method of controlling inflation. The goal of a contractionary policy is to reduce the money supply within an economy by increasing interest rates.
Detailed explanation-5: -BSP Securities are monetary instruments issued by the BSP for its monetary policy implementation and liquidity management operations to steer short-term market interest rates towards the policy rate and influence liquidity conditions in the financial system.