economic water scarcity
physical water scarcity
water stress
United Nations
Detailed explanation-1: -Physical water scarcity occurs when natural water resources are insufficient to meet all demands, including that needed for ecosystems to function effectively. Arid regions frequently suffer from physical water scarcity.
Detailed explanation-2: -Water scarcity is a relative concept. The amount of water that can be physically accessed varies as supply and demand changes. Water scarcity intensifies as demand increases and/or as water supply is affected by decreasing quantity or quality.
Detailed explanation-3: -Agriculture consumes more water than any other source and wastes much of that through inefficiencies. Climate change is altering patterns of weather and water around the world, causing shortages and droughts in some areas and floods in others. At the current consumption rate, this situation will only get worse.
Detailed explanation-4: -water scarcity, insufficient freshwater resources to meet the human and environmental demands of a given area. Water scarcity is inextricably linked to human rights, and sufficient access to safe drinking water is a priority for global development.
Detailed explanation-5: -Water scarcity is often divided into two categories: physical scarcity, when there is a shortage of water because of local ecological conditions; and economic scarcity, when there is inadequate water infrastructure. The two frequently come together to cause water stress.