must be replaced frequently
is used to produce other goods
must be purchased through a loan
is consumed directly by theconsumer
Detailed explanation-1: -Capital goods are physical assets that a company uses in the production process to manufacture products and services that consumers will later use. Capital goods include buildings, machinery, equipment, vehicles, and tools. Capital goods are not finished goods, instead, they are used to make finished goods.
Detailed explanation-2: -Capital goods are the assets used by companies and manufacturers in the process of production. Capital stock, on the other hand, refers to the total physical capital available in a company (in the form of plant, property, equipment, machinery, etc.).
Detailed explanation-3: -Capital Resources (capital goods) Goods made by people and used to produce other goods and services (machines and factories).
Detailed explanation-4: -a) Capital is man-made (artificial) b) It increases the productivity of resources c) Supply of capital is elastic. It can be produced in large quantity when its requirement increases. d) Capital is perishable as it can be destroyed. e) Capital is highly mobile.
Detailed explanation-5: -Capital goods are fixed assets which are used in the productive process in order to produce a finished ‘consumer’ good. Capital goods are not bought for their own utility; they are bought in order to be used in the productive process.