Slowly and silently.
Faster and silently.
Faster and making noise.
None of the Above.
Detailed explanation-1: -Answer: (i) The fog comes slowly and silently like a cat. (ii) The cat sits on its haunches for some time looking around and then moves away as it came. (iii) Similarly, the fog spreads over the harbour and city for some time. Finally, it moves away like a cat.
Detailed explanation-2: -1 Answer. The fog comes silently because its movements are like that of cat. It’s a part of nature and thus patient and never hurries.
Detailed explanation-3: -He says that the fog comes on its little cat feet, which implies that the fog is like a cat as it comes slowly. He also says that the fog looks over the harbour and the city and then moves on, implying that the fog has covered the city and is sitting and looking at it, thereby again comparing it to a cat.
Detailed explanation-4: -Fog shows up when water vapor, or water in its gaseous form, condenses. During condensation, molecules of water vapor combine to make tiny liquid water droplets that hang in the air. You can see fog because of these tiny water droplets. Water vapor, a gas, is invisible.
Detailed explanation-5: -Answer. Answer: The poet says that just like a cat, the fog leaves the place very silently without being noticed by anyone. According to him the fog sits on her bended legs just like cat and then moves away very quickly and silently, just like a cat.