squeaky pop test
litmus paper turns red
lit splint test
None of the above
Detailed explanation-1: -Hydrogen (H2) When a burning splint is introduced to a sample of pure hydrogen gas, it will burn with a popping sound. Oxygen (O2) When a smoldering splint is introduced to a sample of pure oxygen gas, the splint will reignite.
Detailed explanation-2: -Burning (or lighted) splint test A splint is lit and held near the opening of the tube, then the stopper is removed to expose the splint to the gas. If the gas is flammable, the mixture ignites. This test is most commonly used to identify hydrogen, which extinguishes with a distinctive ‘squeaky pop’ sound.
Detailed explanation-3: -Glowing splint test: Test for oxygen gas. Limewater: Solution that turns cloudy when carbon dioxide is bubbled through it. Lit splint test: Test for carbon dioxide gas that uses a splint. Pop test: Test for hydrogen gas.
Detailed explanation-4: -High levels of oxygen or carbon dioxide can be detected with a glowing splint. If a glowing splint is placed into a volume of oxygen gas, it will reignite. If the splint is placed into a volume of carbon dioxide, it will be extinguished.
Detailed explanation-5: -The test for oxygen consists of placing a glowing splint inside a test tube of gas. If the gas is oxygen the splint will relight.