Tilt of the Earth’s axis
Earth’s rotation
Earth moving towards and away from the sun
Earth’s revolution
Detailed explanation-1: -The earth’s spin axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane. This is what causes the seasons. When the earth’s axis points towards the sun, it is summer for that hemisphere. When the earth’s axis points away, winter can be expected.
Detailed explanation-2: -The tilt of Earth’s axis is the main cause of the seasons. If Earth had no tilt, then the length of daylight and the intensity of solar heating seen by a person standing at a single place on the surface would be the same all year round.
Detailed explanation-3: -More tilt means more severe seasons-warmer summers and colder winters; less tilt means less severe seasons-cooler summers and milder winters. It’s the cool summers that are thought to allow snow and ice to last from year-to-year in high latitudes, eventually building up into massive ice sheets.
Detailed explanation-4: -The Equinox (Vernal & Autumnal) There are only two times of the year when the Earth’s axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun, resulting in a “nearly” equal amount of daylight and darkness at all latitudes. These events are referred to as Equinoxes.
Detailed explanation-5: -The tilt of the Earth’s axis is the most important reason why seasons occur. The Earth’s movement around the Sun causes seasons. The Earth is always tilted to one side as it orbits the Sun. So, when the North pole tilts towards Sun, it’s summer in the Northern hemisphere and winter in the Southern hemisphere.