less productive because legumes remove phosphorus from the soil
less productive because the legumes have already taken all the nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus from the soil
more productive because nitrogen-fixing bacteria help to keep away pests
more productive because bacteria living on the roots of legumes fix nitrogen in the soil
Detailed explanation-1: -Legumes are able to form a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria called rhizobia. The result of this symbiosis is to form nodules on the plant root, within which the bacteria can convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia that can be used by the plant.
Detailed explanation-2: -Legumes improve soil fertility through the symbiotic association with microorganisms, such as rhizobia, which fix the atmospheric nitrogen and make nitrogen available to the host and other crops by a process known as biological nitrogen fixation (BNF).
Detailed explanation-3: -The symbiosis between rhizobia soil bacteria and legumes is facultative and initiated by nitrogen starvation of the host plant. Exchange of signal molecules between the partners leads to the formation of root nodules where bacteria are converted to nitrogen-fixing bacteroids.
Detailed explanation-4: -Farmers use leguminous crops to provide nitrogen to the soil because nitrogen-fixing bacteria found in roots of leguminous plants like as peas, pulses crop etc. These bacteria (like rhizobium) atmospheric nitrogen fixed in the soil.