. Its rapid growth can deprive native plants of sunlight.
Its rapid growth can deprive native plants of food.
It can cause soil loss from erosion.
Its rapid growth can deprive native plants of oxygen.
Detailed explanation-1: -Invasive species are a problem because they can take over native plant habitats. They can deprive the surrounding lands of vital water and nutrients, choke out indigenous plants and block sunlight, and even produce chemicals that prohibit the growth of native plants.
Detailed explanation-2: -Invasive alien species have devastating impacts on native biota, causing decline or even extinctions of native species, and negatively affecting ecosystems. Invasive alien species are animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms entered and established in the environment from outside of their natural habitat.
Detailed explanation-3: -Invasive species are capable of causing extinctions of native plants and animals, reducing biodiversity, competing with native organisms for limited resources, and altering habitats.
Detailed explanation-4: -Ecological impacts of invasive terrestrial animal species include predation/herbivory, competition, transmission of diseases, and hybridization with native species. Economic effects include impacts on human infrastructure, human health, human social life, livestock, plant production, and forestry [7, 100, 101].
Detailed explanation-5: -It is estimated that approximately 66 percent of California’s endemic plant species will experience decreases of up to 80 percent in the size of their ranges within the next 100 years.