biological systems do not use up matter, they transform it
biological systems use only carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen
matter does not change into new compounds
matter is assembled into chemical compounds
Detailed explanation-1: -1 Cycles Matter can cycle through the biosphere because biological systems do not use up matter, they transform it. Matter is Recycled within and between the ecosystems. Matter is assembles into living tissues or passed out of the body as waste.
Detailed explanation-2: -Answer and Explanation: Matter is recycled by the decomposers in the ecosystem, primarily fungal or bacterial, though fires also help with the recycling of matter. When minerals and other nutrients are taken up into living organisms they become biologically unavailable to other organisms.
Detailed explanation-3: -Energy flows through an ecosystem and is dissipated as heat, but chemical elements are recycled. The ways in which an element-or compound such as water-moves between its various living and nonliving forms and locations in the biosphere is called a biogeochemical cycle.
Detailed explanation-4: -Carbon atoms (and all atoms) are used and recycled. They are used by different organisms right away and sometimes left in the Earth to be used again in millions of years.
Detailed explanation-5: -Dead producers and consumers and their waste products provide matter and energy to decomposers. Decomposers transform matter back into inorganic forms that can be recycled within the ecosystem. So, the energy that enters an ecosystem as sunlight eventually flows out of the ecosystem in the form of heat.