light colors
small ears
fast metabolism
dark colors
Detailed explanation-1: -It is a known fact that light colors are poor absorbers of heat. Most desert animals are pale in color which prevents their bodies from absorbing more heat in the sun. However, turkeys and black vultures are dark in color and hence they absorb considerable amount of heat during the day.
Detailed explanation-2: -Many animals in hot climates lower their body temperature and their metabolic rate. They become inactive, reducing their response to the heat and their water loss through perspiration, breathing and relieving themselves.
Detailed explanation-3: -Animals such as kangaroo rats found in the desert never drink water. Ability to concentrate its urine to conserve water. Desert lizards bask in sun and burrow in the sand (afternoon) to escape the heat of the day. These adaptations prevent the loss of water in desert animals.
Detailed explanation-4: -Dark colors absorb heat, while light colors reflect heat. So, desert animals that are active during the day tend to have light-colored coats. A black bear would be very hot in a dessert, but a pale-colored fennec fox stays comfortable in the sun.
Detailed explanation-5: -Sweating. People do it, and so do horses. Radiating heat. Elephants can radiate heat from their ears, which they hold out from their bodies; jackrabbits do the same thing with their long ears. Estivation. This is the opposite of hibernation. Hiding out. Panting. Shedding. Taking a dip. 07-Jul-2010