An ecosystem that is just beginning to grow.
An ecosystem that is stable and mature and has reached the final stages of succession.
An ecosystem that is damaged by a forest fire.
An ecosystem that is damaged by a landslide.
Detailed explanation-1: -[ klī′măks′ ] An ecological community in which populations of plants or animals remain stable and exist in balance with each other and their environment. A climax community is the final stage of succession, remaining relatively unchanged until destroyed by an event such as fire or human interference.
Detailed explanation-2: -What is a climax community? A climax community is the “endpoint” of succession within the context of a particular climate and geography. In the midwestern U.S., for example, such a community might be a hardwood forest with oaks and hickories as the dominant tree species.
Detailed explanation-3: -In some environments, succession reaches a climax, which produces a stable community dominated by a small number of prominent species. This state of equilibrium, called the climax community, is thought to result when the web of biotic interactions becomes so intricate that no other species can be admitted.
Detailed explanation-4: -Climax community the final community in the process of ecological succession. The climax community is expected to be in equilibrium with local environmental conditions and is considered stable. In the distance, you can see a flourishing tropical forest.
Detailed explanation-5: -Ecological succession is the process of change in the species structure of an ecological community over time. The community begins with relatively few pioneer plants and animals and gradually develops stable or self-perpetuating species as a climax community.