It affects the availability of different nutrients.
It changes with soil temperature.
It affects water holding capacity of the soil.
It is impossible to alter.
It affects the soil texture.
Detailed explanation-1: -Soil pH affects nutrients available for plant growth. In highly acidic soil, aluminum and manganese can become more available and more toxic to plant while calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are less available to the plant. In highly alkaline soil, phosphorus and most micronutrients become less available.
Detailed explanation-2: -Effects. Soil pH affects the amount of nutrients and chemicals that are soluble in soil water, and therefore the amount of nutrients available to plants. Some nutrients are more available under acid conditions while others are more available under alkaline conditions.
Detailed explanation-3: -Soil pH affects nutrient availability by changing the form of the nutrient in the soil. Adjusting soil pH to a recommended value can increase the availability of important nutrients. Plants usually grow well at pH values above 5.5. Soil pH of 6.5 is usually considered optimum for nutrient availability.
Detailed explanation-4: -Nutrient availability in soil is influenced by many, often interrelated, factors. These include the parental rock material, particle size, humus and water content, pH, aeration, temperature, root surface area, the rhizoflora, and mycorrhizal development.
Detailed explanation-5: -Each plant has its own recommended pH value range. The reason for this is that pH affects the availability of nutrients within the soil, and plants have different nutrient needs. For example: The nutrient nitrogen, a very important plant nutrient, is readily available in soil when the pH value is above 5.5.