We have a limited amount of fresh water.
Pollution reduces the amount of usable water.
Because we need to save it for the whales
Both a and b.
Detailed explanation-1: -Complete answer: Water conservation is crucial because it keeps water clean and pure while also protecting the ecosystem. It is especially critical because water is a finite resource. Glaciers and ice caps store about 2% of the world’s fresh water, while saline water makes up the other 97%.
Detailed explanation-2: -Water conservation is the practice of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary water usage. According to Fresh Water Watch, water conservation is important because fresh clean water is a limited resource, as well as a costly one.
Detailed explanation-3: -Why do we need to Conserve Water? Conserving water helps us by supplying more amount of water for longer usage. It has become necessary in all areas because these natural resources are reducing along with the increasing population and their usages. Keeping the tap closed when not in use.
Detailed explanation-4: -It is used for cooking, washing, cleaning, bathing, irrigation, etc. Conserving water is important because we cannot survive without it. Water helps humans to stay hydrated and help fight diseases. Water is used in industries like mining, steel, electricity, food, etc., in large quantities.
Detailed explanation-5: -Never use your toilet as a waste basket. Do not let the water run while shaving or brushing teeth. Take short showers instead of tub baths. If you must use a tub, close the drain before turning on the water and fill the tub only half full. More items •12-Feb-2020