Red Bone Marrow
Yellow Blood Marrow
Either A or B
None of the above
Detailed explanation-1: -There are two types of bone marrow: red and yellow. Red marrow contains blood stem cells that can become red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets. Yellow marrow is made mostly of fat.
Detailed explanation-2: -Yellow bone marrow contains mesenchymal stem cells (marrow stromal cells), which produce cartilage, fat and bone. Yellow bone marrow also aids in the storage of fats in cells called adipocytes. This helps maintain the right environment and provides the sustenance that bones need to function.
Detailed explanation-3: -Bone marrow is made of stem cells. These stem cells make red bone marrow, which creates blood cells and platelets for your blood. Yellow bone marrow consists mostly of fat and stem cells that produce bone and cartilage in your body.
Detailed explanation-4: -The function of yellow bone marrow is to store fat and produce red blood cells during life-threatening situations. During serious emergencies, our body can experience rapid blood loss. Yellow bone marrow essentially transforms into red bone marrow during life-threatening events to produce blood cells and keep us alive.
Detailed explanation-5: -There are many types of white blood cells, and these fight infection. Platelets help your blood to clot when you get a cut by clumping together to form a sort of barrier. Red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow are found on the insides of the long bones, such as your femur, the long bone in your thigh.