Running water, groundwater, continent building forces, earthquakes, volcanism
mountain building forces, continent building forces, earthquakes, volcanism
mountain building forces, the wind, waves, and currents
Running water, groundwater, glaciers, the wind, waves, and currents
Detailed explanation-1: -An agent is a mobile medium (like running water, moving ice masses, wind, waves and currents etc.) which removes, transports and deposits earth materials. Running water, groundwater, glaciers, wind, waves and currents, etc., can be called geomorphic agents.
Detailed explanation-2: -Running water is the most important geomorphic agent, actively changing landforms by eroding and transferring sediments. It shapes the earth’s surface by attrition, vertical and lateral erosion, and deposition. There are two components of running water. One is an overland flow on the general land surface as a sheet.
Detailed explanation-3: -The evolution of landforms depends on geomorphic agents i.e., running water, groundwater, glaciers, waves and winds. These agents reduce landmasses through erosion and also develop some landforms through deposition. Both erosion and deposition change the surface of the earth.
Detailed explanation-4: -There are many sub disciplines in geomorphology including tectonic, fluvial, storm, aeolian, floodplain, glacial, groundwater, climate, tsunami, and many others. These sub disciplines are mainly driven by distinctions in the mechanics and dynamics involved in the processes.
Detailed explanation-5: -A geomorphic agent is a mobile medium that transports, removes, and deposits earth materials. Running water, glaciers, wind, waves, ocean currents, groundwater, and other geomorphic agents are examples.