They poison it
They bring it up to the top of the tallest tower and push it off
They bring it up to the tallest tower & give it to Ron’s brothers friends
They bring it up to the tallest tower and give it to Voldemort
Detailed explanation-1: -They take the invisibility cloak and sneak up carrying Norbert. Charlie’s friends come and take the dragon away.
Detailed explanation-2: -Hagrid agrees to dispose of the dragon, only if he can send it to Charlie Weasley in Romania. Charlie agrees to take the dragon, only if they can get it to the tallest tower at midnight that Saturday, where his friends will carry it away.
Detailed explanation-3: -As Hagrid lived in a wooden house, and baby dragons have the tendency to turn into much bigger dragons, this friendship didn’t last long, and Hagrid had to be convinced to let Norbert go, and the little fire-breathing tyke was carted off to Ron’s brother, Charlie.
Detailed explanation-4: -They grow very nervous about Malfoy and try to convince Hagrid to set the dragon free. Hagrid refuses, saying that Norbert (his name for the dragon) is too young to survive on his own. Harry suggests that they send Norbert to Ron’s brother Charlie, who can take care of him and then set him free.
Detailed explanation-5: -Norbert is a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon that Hagrid had acquired as an egg from a mysterious, hooded stranger in the Hog’s Head, who turned out to be Professor Quirrell. Hagrid helps the dragon hatch from the egg. Norbert becomes very dangerous and much bigger in the weeks following.