A kitchen faucet
A shower
A toilet
Garden hose
Detailed explanation-1: -Just like a neuron will fire or not (no in between), a toilet always flushed with the same intensity, no matter how much force you apply to the handle (as long as you provide enough force to trigger the mechanism). Just like a nerve impulse goes in one direction, the toilet only flushes one way.
Detailed explanation-2: -Works like flushing a toilet: All or none-the toilet either flushes or it doesn’t; refractory period—tank must fill before toilet can be flushed again. Depolarization: occurs when positive ions enter the neuron, making it more prone to firing an action potential.
Detailed explanation-3: -The all or none principle means that signal transmission between neurons is not dependent on the strength of the stimuli but, rather, only that the initial threshold is met. In other words, neurons will either transmit an impulse over the synapse to the next neuron completely or not at all.
Detailed explanation-4: -How is a flushing toilet like a neuron firing? Depolarization – represented by the toilet flushing. How? Direction of impulse – the toilet only flushes one way; the impulse can’t come the other direction (you hope!!)
Detailed explanation-5: -The ‘All or None’ Law Each fibre within a motor unit contracts according to the all or none law. This principle states that when a motor unit receives a stimulus of sufficient intensity to bring forth a response, all the muscle fibres within the unit will contract at the same time, and to the maximum possible extent.