Dams are too expensive to build to be practical.
Dams limit the water available to countries further downstream.
Few countries have the technology needed to be able to build dams.
Countries in Southwest Asia are not allowed to build dams along shared rivers.
Detailed explanation-1: -The major rivers in SW Asia have become political issues because everyone needs to be able to use the water and there is only a limited amount. Dams built along the rivers have caused problems for people living further downstream because less water comes down the river to those people once the dam is built.
Detailed explanation-2: -The building of dams has created problems for countries sharing the same river because the dams block the natural flow of the river, forcing the water to stay in a certain territory and not giving the countries that follow downstream the water that they should be receiving.
Detailed explanation-3: -Southwest Asia’s biggest pollution problems come from human sewage, agricultural runoff, and industrial waste. Rapid growth of industry in cities and towns has caused garbage and sewage to build up in rivers and streams. Towns without proper sewer systems dump untreated human waste directly into rivers.
Detailed explanation-4: -Why aren’t desalination and drip irrigation used more in southwest Asia? The technologies are very expensive for the countries to use.
Detailed explanation-5: -Many countries in Southwest Asia are experiencing the increasing problem of water pollution. Farmers have begun using chemical fertilizers that run off from the fields and contaminate water supplies. Chemicals also lead to salt build-up in the soil, which eventually makes farming in those areas impossible.