All colors are absorbed & none are reflected
All colors are absorbed except for blue, which is reflected
All colors are reflected and none are absorbed
All colors are absorbed except for red, which is reflected
Detailed explanation-1: -A red apple only appears to be “red.” When sunlight falls on an apple, the fruit absorbs all the colors in the sunlight and reflects only the red color. It is this reflected color that reaches our eyes and we think that the apple is red.
Detailed explanation-2: -When we look at a red apple, it’s absorbing colors from the sunlight. It absorbs all the colors of the rainbow-except for red. The red light reflects off the apple and our brain and eyes work together to let us know what color we are seeing. Red is a color that can be appealing to both humans and other animals.
Detailed explanation-3: -Our eyes are seeing the wavelength of red reflected from (say) a red shirt, which is cotton with red dye. So, this red dye is “reflecting” red light, and “absorbing” everything else. The color black absorbs most colors, while white reflects most colors.
Detailed explanation-4: -In white light, a red apple absorbs all the colors (including green) of the spectrum except red, which it reflects.
Detailed explanation-5: -BLACK shirt absorbs all visible wavelengths (that is why black clothes are warmer). RED shirt absorbs all the wavelengths except for RED (so, the white lights must be emitting some Red light). BLUE shirt absorbs all the wavelengths except for BLUE (so the white lights must be emitting some Blue light).