They’re much older than the rest of the solar system b. c. d.
They’re older than the sun, but younger than the planets
They’re about the same age as the rest of the solar system
They’re much younger than the rest of the solar system
Detailed explanation-1: -Asteroids are chunks of rock and debris leftover from the formation of the planets. Asteroids formed at the same time as the rest of the solar system, about 4.6 billion years ago. Most asteroids occupy a region between Jupiter and Mars known as the asteroid belt .
Detailed explanation-2: -"Simply put, asteroids are leftovers rocky material from the time of the solar system formation. They are the initial bricks that built the planets, ‘’ Fred Jourdan, planetary scientist at Curtin University. told Space. “So all the material that formed all those asteroids is about 4.55 billion years old."
Detailed explanation-3: -Current estimates put the age of Earth at around 4.54 billion years, give or take about 50 million years, and like all other bodies in the solar system, Earth formed when a cloud of dust and gas collapsed due to gravity. This means our sun, planets, asteroids and moons are also around the same … age.
Detailed explanation-4: -The Formation of the Solar System The Sun, planets, asteroids, and comets that make up our solar system are much younger, relative newcomers at an age of 4.55 billion years (that is, 4550 million years), give or take a mere 50 million years!
Detailed explanation-5: -By studying several things, mostly meteorites, and using radioactive dating techniques, specifically looking at daughter isotopes, scientists have determined that the Solar System is 4.6 billion years old.
Detailed explanation-6: -Age and Origin of the Solar System. The age of the solar system, derived from the study of meteorites (thought to be the oldest accessible material around) is near 5 billion years; that of the Earth is taken as 4.6 billion years. The oldest rocks on Earth are dated as 3.8 billion years.