It has a red shell.
It is the result of the core collapse of a low-mass star that sheds its outer layers
It emits massive amounts of light compared with other stars.
It strongly attracts all matter or energy that comes near it.
It cools down to become a black dwarf.
Detailed explanation-1: -Without energy sources, the white dwarf cools to a black dwarf in a few billion years. Because the length of time it takes for a white dwarf to reach this state is calculated to be longer than the current age of the universe (approximately 13.8 billion years), it is thought that no black dwarfs yet exist.
Detailed explanation-2: -Over a very long time, a white dwarf will cool and its material will begin to crystallize, starting with the core. The star’s low temperature means it will no longer emit significant heat or light, and it will become a cold black dwarf.
Detailed explanation-3: -Because of its small size, high density, and initially hot temperature, it takes billions of years for a white dwarf to radiate all of its residual heat into space. It will take many millions of years before it cools off enough that it becomes invisible (a black dwarf).
Detailed explanation-4: -The vast majority of white dwarfs are formed after a dying star has shed its outer layers to form a planetary nebula, leaving behind an approximately Earth-sized inner core that is the white dwarf. Other white dwarfs in binary systems may explode as novae but then not go on to form a neutron star or a black hole.