Newton’s 1st law
Kepler’s first law
Kepler’s second law
Kepler’s third law
Detailed explanation-1: -Kepler’s First Law: each planet’s orbit about the Sun is an ellipse. The Sun’s center is always located at one focus of the orbital ellipse. The Sun is at one focus. The planet follows the ellipse in its orbit, meaning that the planet to Sun distance is constantly changing as the planet goes around its orbit.
Detailed explanation-2: -Kepler’s third law-sometimes referred to as the law of harmonies-compares the orbital period and radius of orbit of a planet to those of other planets.
Detailed explanation-3: -Kepler’s laws apply: First Law: Planetary orbits are elliptical with the sun at a focus. Second Law: The radius vector from the sun to a planet sweeps equal areas in equal times. Third Law: The ratio of the square of the period of revolution and the cube of the ellipse semimajor axis is the same for all planets.
Detailed explanation-4: -Kepler’s first law stated that planets orbit the sun in the shape of an ellipse. The sun was located at one of the ellipse’s two foci. The planets orbited along the path of the ellipse with both their distance from the sun and their velocity constantly changing. This is also sometimes known as the law of ellipses.
Detailed explanation-5: -We now refer to the following statement as Kepler’s First Law: The planets orbit the Sun in ellipses with the Sun at one focus (the other focus is empty).