a breeze of low-density ionized gas streaming from the Sun’s corona.
wind generated from rotation of the sun.
a breeze originating from the sun’s magnetic fields.
another term for “light”
Detailed explanation-1: -The solar wind is created by the outward expansion of plasma (a collection of charged particles) from the Sun’s corona (outermost atmosphere). This plasma is continually heated to the point that the Sun’s gravity can’t hold it down. It then travels along the Sun’s magnetic field lines that extend radially outward.
Detailed explanation-2: -The solar wind is a flow of particles that comes off the sun at about one million miles per hour and travels throughout the entire solar system.
Detailed explanation-3: -At the orbit of the earth the average solar wind consists of a strongly ionized gas having a proton and electron density of about 3-10 particles per cubic centimeter, with an average flow velocity of approximately 400 km/s.
Detailed explanation-4: -The corona is the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere. The corona is usually hidden by the bright light of the Sun’s surface. That makes it difficult to see without using special instruments. However, the corona can be seen during a total solar eclipse.
Detailed explanation-5: -The density at the base of the corona is about 4 × 108 atoms per cubic centimetre, 1013 times more tenuous than the atmosphere of Earth at its base. Because the temperature is high, the density drops slowly, by a factor of e (2.718) every 50, 000 kilometres.