A tether is a rope-like device that attaches an astronaut to a space vehicle during the time spent outside on a spacewalk. Why is a tether necessary?
Strong solar winds would blow the astronaut away from the vehicle otherwise.
Astronauts must remain close to the vehicle to obtain the heat it provides.
Without a tether, astronauts would float away due to the lack of gravity in space.
Tethers add just enough weight to the astronaut to keep them in orbit.

Detailed explanation-1: -The safety tethers keep astronauts from floating away into space. Astronauts also use tethers to keep tools from floating away. They tether their tools to their spacesuits. Another way astronauts stay safe during spacewalks is by wearing a SAFER.

Detailed explanation-2: -Most astronaut suits can provide oxygen for their host for about seven and a half hours. Suppose an astronaut does float off into space due to a malfunction of the tethers and a failure of their jetpacks. In that case, they have little chance of survival and will most likely die due to asphyxiation.

Detailed explanation-3: -We have Newton’s first law of physics to thank for this. It says that a body stays in its present state of motion until acted on by an external force. So, in the vacuum of space, an astronaut without a line tying him to his ship will drift in the same direction forever unless something pulls or pushes them to safety.

Detailed explanation-4: -8. 15 meters (about 50 feet) of nylon rope “The nylon rope is useful in scaling cliffs or craters you may have to cross. To prevent injury or in case you cannot walk, rope is helpful for tying you to others.”

Detailed explanation-5: -Astronauts who spacewalk outside the space shuttle and International Space Station can work for up to 7 hours in the current space suit, which is also called the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU).

Detailed explanation-6: -Spacecrafts must provide their passengers with oxygen to breathe. Spacecrafts carry their own sources of oxygen and nitrogen. These gases are circulated throughout the spacecraft to provide similar air to the one we breathe on Earth. Astronauts must also carry their entire food supply when they travel to space.

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