In “Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Future of U.S. Space Exploration After Curiosity, “ how does Tyson say NASA paves the way for private companies to succeed?
NASA avoids all competition with private companies.
NASA allows private companies to take the lead in exploring the frontiers.
NASA creates the technology that private companies then can develop further.
NASA pays private companies to take risks and innovate costly new technologies.

Detailed explanation-1: -In “Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Future of U.S. Space Exploration After Curiosity, ‘’ Tyson says of NASA, “It’s an investment, not a handout.” What does he mean? Private enterprise can never lead a space frontier. It’s not possible because a space frontier is expensive, it has unknown risks, and it has unquantified risks.

Detailed explanation-2: -Q. In “Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Future of U.S. Space Exploration After Curiosity, ‘’ what does Tyson say is needed to stir up interest in science? NASA must do something that has never been done before. NASA must demonstrate that a new technology is proven and reliable.

Detailed explanation-3: -Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says valuing space exploration “transforms the culture into one that values science and technology."

Detailed explanation-4: -Neil Degrasse Tyson addresses the idea of curiosity in this lesson: Curiosity Is a Superpower–If You Have the Courage to Use It. How important is it to be curious? See what Bill Gates has to say about it here.

Detailed explanation-5: -In “Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Future of U.S. Space Exploration After Curiosity, ‘’ how does Tyson say NASA paves the way for private companies to succeed? NASA allows private companies to take the lead in exploring the frontiers. NASA creates the technology that private companies then can develop further.

Detailed explanation-6: -Answer and Explanation: Neil deGrasse Tyson changed the world by contributing to the research that established Pluto as a dwarf planet. He was on a council for NASA and played a large role in ensuring that the Hayden Planetarium remains intact.

Detailed explanation-7: -Tyson served on a 2001 government commission on the future of the U.S. aerospace industry and on the 2004 Moon, Mars and Beyond commission. He was awarded the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal in the same year. From 2006 to 2011, he hosted the television show NOVA ScienceNow on PBS.

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