Telescopes launched into space are usually smaller than ones found on Earth
The images are usually clearer because they do not have to look through our atmosphere
It is easier for scientists to make adjustments to an orbiting telescope than a fixed telescope
Orbiting telescopes usually last longer because it is cold in deep space
Detailed explanation-1: -Space telescopes have the advantage of being above the blurring effects of the Earth’s atmosphere. In addition, there are many wavelengths from the electromagnetic spectrum that do not reach Earth because they are absorbed or reflected by the Earth’s atmosphere.
Detailed explanation-2: -Solar panels, water-purification systems, dietary formulas and supplements, material science innovation, and global search and rescue systems are some of the ways in which these technologies have diffused into everyday life.
Detailed explanation-3: -The Hubble Space Telescope makes one orbit around Earth every 95 minutes.
Detailed explanation-4: -Spacecrafts must provide their passengers with oxygen to breathe. Spacecrafts carry their own sources of oxygen and nitrogen. These gases are circulated throughout the spacecraft to provide similar air to the one we breathe on Earth. Astronauts must also carry their entire food supply when they travel to space.
Detailed explanation-5: -The suits provide the proper pressure for the body and supply astronauts with water to drink and oxygen to breathe. The spacesuit worn for spacewalks outside the International Space Station is called the extravehicular mobility unit, or EMU.