Latins were Rome’s first settlers
Rome’s founders were rescued and raised by a wolf
Etruscans conquered early Rome
Rome’s people shared Greek religion
Detailed explanation-1: -Romulus and Remus then decided to found a town on the site where they had been saved by the she-wolf. However, an argument between the twins led to the death of Remus by his brother’s hand.
Detailed explanation-2: -According to tradition, on April 21, 753 B.C., Romulus and his twin brother, Remus, found Rome on the site where they were suckled by a she-wolf as orphaned infants.
Detailed explanation-3: -In the eyes of the Romans the mythological foundation of Rome, based on the story of the gods, is the sole truth of the birth of their city. Rome was founded and named after twin brothers, Romulus and Remus, children of Rhea Silvia who was the daughter of Numito.
Detailed explanation-4: -Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome. Traditionally, they were the sons of Rhea Silvia, daughter of Numitor, king of Alba Longa.
Detailed explanation-5: -Archaeological Evidence Suggests Rome Might Have Been Founded In the 8th Century. Although the story of Romulus and Remus is largely based on myth, archaeologists have found evidence that an early settlement did in fact exist on the Palatine Hills of Rome in around 750 BCE.