Guru Nanak was born on this Diwali day
Guru Hargobind came home on Diwali day
Guru Gobind Singh won a battle on Diwali day.
The Harimandir Sahib was completed on Diwali day.
Detailed explanation-1: -It is a Sikh festival honouring the day in 1619 when the sixth Guru of Sikhs, Guru Hargobind Ji, liberated 52 kings jailed by Mughal Emperor Jahangir. He was also imprisoned along with them. On this day, he returned to Amritsar from Gwalior, and this homecoming was heralded by the illuminating thousands of lamps.
Detailed explanation-2: -Diwali is especially important for Sikhs. Sikhs celebrate diwali as Bandi Chhor Divas, or the day of liberation. It was the day, when 6th Guru, Guru HargobindSahibji, was released from Gwalior prison by the Mughal Emperor Jahangir. Gifts & Sweets are exchanged between friends & family.
Detailed explanation-3: -Sikhs celebrated the return of Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji by lighting the Golden Temple and this tradition continues today. Diwali is known as the ‘festival of lights’ because shops, public places and homes are decorated with small oil lamps called diyas.
Detailed explanation-4: -For Sikh people, Diwali coincides with another celebration called Bandi Chhor Divas. This celebrates the release from prison and return to Amritsar of the sixth guru or spiritual leader, Guru Hargobind, in 1619. In the Sikh faith, it’s celebrated in conjunction with, and in much the same way as Diwali.