long-day plants
short-day plants
day-neutral plants
none of the above
Detailed explanation-1: -The “short day” (long night) plant is considered a plant that needs a long period of darkness. Short-day plants only grow flowers when the length of the day is less than around 12 hours. Short-day trees, including chrysanthemums, poinsettias and Christmas cactus, are many spring and fall flowering plants.
Detailed explanation-2: -Other plants require only a short night to flower. These are termed “long-day” plants. These bloom only when they receive more than 12 hours of light. Many of our summer-blooming flowers and garden vegetables are long-day plants, such as asters, coneflowers, California poppies, lettuce, spinach and potatoes.
Detailed explanation-3: -Long Day Plants: They require the periodic exposure of light exceeding the critical period to induce flowering. Short Day Plants: They require the periodic exposure of light less than the critical period to induce flowering. Day-neutral Plants: The flowering in many plants does not depend on the photoperiod.
Detailed explanation-4: -Other long-day species are “facultative” (or “qualitative") long-day plants. These plants initiate flowers under any daylength, but flower earlier with long-days. Snapdragon, sunflower, salvia, and petunia are some of the important long-day annual species.
Detailed explanation-5: -Long day plants are the plants that begin forming flower buds when the days are longer than their critical day length. Long day plants are dill and spinach.