miscellaneous errors
over exposed image
double exposure
under exposed image
Detailed explanation-1: -Double exposure results when the receptor is exposed twice, and two images appear superimposed onto each other. This error results in two errors; one receptor that was double-exposed and another that was not exposed at all. It is extremely important to avoid this error because it exposes the patient to radiation twice.
Detailed explanation-2: -Double Exposure Definition Double exposure is a technique that combines two different exposures or images that are layered on top of each other. The image overlaid is less than full opacity so a bit of both images can be seen producing an almost ghost-like image.
Detailed explanation-3: -Overexposed images will have a distinct lack of quantum mottle while appearing ‘saturated’ or in extreme cases ‘burnt out’ whereby anatomy is completely obliterated from the radiograph.
Detailed explanation-4: -One of the most common errors when exposing bitewing images is failing to prevent horizontal overlapping. Horizontal overlap is a result of the X-ray beam not passing through the open interproximal area at right angles to a properly positioned detector.
Detailed explanation-5: -Foreshortening of Image: Cause of Foreshortening: Due to excessive vertical angulation (too high) of the x-ray tube during taking the radiograph. This can make it difficult in certain cases like Endodontic treatment where the working length cannot be properly determined due to the difference in size of the tooth.