the main character that we follow who tends to be the hero of the story.
the villain in the story.
the supporting characters in a story / not the main character
the animal or pet that the main character cares for
Detailed explanation-1: -The concept of a protagonist comes from Ancient Greek drama, where the term originally meant, “the player of the first part or the chief actor.” In film today, the protagonist is the character who drives the plot, pursues the main goal of the story, and usually changes or grows over the course of the film.
Detailed explanation-2: -The protagonist is the character who drives the action–the character whose fate matters most. In other words, they are involved in-and often central to-the plot or conflict of the story, but are also usually the emotional heart of the narrative. Sometimes it’s easy to pinpoint who the protagonist is in a story.
Detailed explanation-3: -What does protagonist mean? Like hero, protagonist is a noun that can mean the leading character in a story. However, unlike hero, which historically has only referred to a male characters, a protagonist is defined as “a hero or heroine of a drama or other literary work.”
Detailed explanation-4: -The protagonist is the main character in the story you write about it. The difference is in their Greek roots-the word hero meant “demigod” and a protagonist meant the first person to address the chorus in a Greek drama, also known as the main character.
Detailed explanation-5: -The protagonist is the “good guy” main character who drives the story forward, while the antagonist is the “bad guy” main character or force that stands in the way of the protagonist’s goals. The relationship between these two main characters is often what makes a film exciting and suspenseful.